Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter 14

The Penguins being out of the playoffs and the Flyers being in it, honestly, makes me want to scream. Please comment, I really do love them :)

Chapter 14

I walked onto the teams plane just feeling plain annoyed. I was pissed at Jordan that he was making me do this. He knew that I was uncomfortable being around his teammates, yet he made me ride it anyway. Olivia could jet off wherever she wanted to, but I couldn’t ride a normal plane to New York City by myself. I followed him to the back of the plane where all the players were sitting. They had different sections and some seats were facing each other. Jordan sat down in what I assumed was his normal seat and cleared the seat off next to him. I narrowed my eyes at him and purposely sat in the seat across from him. I put my headphones in and pulled out my book with the intent of ignoring every one for the next few hours. My head snapped up when I felt an arm go around my shoulders.

“So I didn’t get to meet you last night.” A very furry man said with a thick French-Canadian accent.

“Yeah. I’m the dirty mistress.” I replied dryly.

He let out a wide grin. “Don’t worry, I have the same reputation. Us dirty mistresses have to stick together.”

“Max..” Jordan warned. So that was this man’s name.

“What do we have, a dirty mistress club or something?” I joked.

“Oui, and not only that, but you are my good luck charm too. Your first game and I scored the first goal since I’ve been back.” Max kept going.

“She could be Sidney’s good luck charm too. He got a hat trick.” Jordan pointed out.

“I would like to think that she was mine though. Don’t rain on my parade.” Max pouted.

Sidney and Flower walked in and sat down on either side of Jordan. “Your right, it was all luck. No way you would have scored if I didn’t put the puck on your stick.” Sidney teased.

“Vero wants me to tell you that when she gets here, you two could go shopping if you want.” Marc told me.

“Oh, so she flew by herself?” I asked narrowing my eyes at Jordan.

“Yes, she does every time she goes on a trip with us. She normally doesn’t, but I thought now would be a good time to go Christmas shopping in the Big Apple.” Marc said surprised.

“Hmm. How about that?” I asked still staring down Jordan.

“I don’t see what the big deal is.” Jordan stated.

Max nudged me. “Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in a dirty mistress’s position.”

I ignored all the boys bantering by turning up my music even louder. Max was right, Jordan had no idea what it was like to be in my position. Sure, all of the younger guys were trying to be nice and understand the situation. But the ones with family, I could see the disappointment in their eyes the second I stepped on this plane. They didn’t understand because we weren’t doing it the right way. You are supposed to date, get engaged, get married, and then have children with the person you love. It’s even alright if you do those things out of order as long as you love the person in their eyes. But I defied all of that. I’m just that stupid, young woman-teenager- who let myself got knocked up. And apparently because I didn’t get an abortion, that means I’m just out for his money. Even though they all disliked Olivia according to Vero, she was the victim and I’m the whore that screwed up her whole life. On top of all of that, Jordan was being painfully oblivious to all of this. He was throwing me completely into his life not caring at all what it would mean for me. He didn’t even pause to think twice about how all of this was affecting me at all. Typical Jordan though, ever since Day 1 he’s always had trouble thinking about other people.

After ignoring Jordan and every one like a bitch for the rest of the ride, we finally got to the airport in New York. I was just so sick of men and penisis or whatever the plural is. There was only one boy I wanted to see and he was in the arms of Jordan’s brother. I tried to keep my feet at a slow pace, so I didn’t create a huge airport reunion scene. I always made fun of those girls in the movies.

Marc laughed when he saw my anxious expression. “I didn’t believe he could be so cute with Jordan being the father. I guess somehow my genes got carried over. Don’t worry though, Mom says he’s been completely fine.”

I chuckled and took him out of Marc’s arm. “I was more afraid with the fact that you were holding my child than anything else. You were dropped too many times on the head when you a child, we don’t need history to repeat itself.”

“You are so mean, you know my mom feels very guilty about that.” Marc retorted. Scott giggled and clapped his hands together. He reached out his hand and brushed my face. His face broke out into his signature smile of his and made a gurgling noise in the back of his throat.

“His stroller is over there.” Marc said pointing next to the escalator. I wanted to just hold him forever when he was being good, but my arms were beginning to get sore. Jordan swooped in with Flower trailing him. He looked like for a moment as if he was going to take Scott from my arms, but he hesitated. I sighed, if Jordan wanted to be a good father, the first step would be to get comfortable holding him. I set Scott down in his stroller and went to buckle him up before Jordan pushed me out of the way. He went to the handle bar and started to try and push it.

I quickly stopped in. “You have to buckle him in. He’s gotten old enough that he could try to climb out, fall, and get hurt.” I lectured.

Marc snorted. “Even I know that, dumbass.” Jordan blushed and stepped backwards to let me strap him in. I stepped backwards, so Jordan could go back to pushing his stroller.

Jordan shook his head. “No, it’s fine. You can.” I raised my eyebrows, but started pushing towards Scott towards the entrance to go on the team bus.

“Olivia is going to meet us at the hotel and I’m probably going to be in a lot of meetings and then I have to do my pre-game nap.” Jordan explained.

“I’m not shacking up with you and Olivia. I don’t need to be in the bed next to you for your reunion.” I snorted.

Flower nodded. “Smart woman. Don’t worry though, Vero will be here in about two hours.”

We loaded the bus and I sat awkwardly with Scott on my lap next to Jordan when Coach Bylsma was lecturing the boys for the game tonight. He was being very understanding and calm about our situation, but I couldn’t help but feel that every word about “not losing focus” was aimed at us. We pulled into the parking garage at the Marriot and all shuffled to the hotel. Olivia was sitting in the lobby and stood up quickly. She ran towards Jordan and jumped into his arms. Jordan twirled her around and she giggled before pulling him into a deep case.

Out of nowhere, Max appeared next to me and tugged Scott out of my arms and into his. “Come on, I’ll help you get settled into your room. You don’t need to see this.”

I blushed. “It’s a typical happy reunion for a happy couple. I don’t have any problems with it.” I said beginning to drag my suitcase and Scott’s baby bag towards the elevator.

“No, it’s not. They aren’t really that happy and Olivia just likes to flaunt their relationship and spend his money.” Max said harshly.

I raised my eyebrows, surprised by his harsh words. “You seem to be very opinionated about this.”

Max shrugged. “The guys sometimes give me crap about sleeping around with woman. I just don’t understand why they don’t give Jordan crap about clearly letting a girl use him.”

I stared at the ground, not sure how to respond to his confession. We got out of the elevator and headed down the hall.

“Well look what we have, our rooms are next to each other.” Max said grinning. He gave Scott back to me and took my key from me and swiped it in the door. Max entered the room and immediately threw back the curtains.

“The perfect view of downtown jungle of concrete. Where dreams are made of. I personally would rat-“ He began to say.

“I would rather have the view of the frozen St. Lawrence River in winter with the snow swirling down..” I mused, imagining my favorite vacation spot.

“Exactly. Cities are beautiful, but there’s nothing like natural scenery.” Max agreed.

“That’s pretty ironic for a guy that spends most of his time traveling in between cities.” I commented before going into the closet to pull out the baby playpen we asked for. I set it up in between the twin beds and lied down Scott’s blankets in it and several of his favorite toys before putting Scott in it.

“Yeah well-“

“Man, what a great view. I love cities, so many different unique people in one place.” Jordan said his voice booming when he entered the room with Olivia connected to his waist.

“So Max, which one of your girls are you calling tonight for the post-game celebration? Marie, you wouldn’t believe how many girls Superstar could call up when we head out tonight.” Jordan laughed.

“Well, I can’t go out with you tonight.” I stared at him, he was talking like I was able to go out and party.

“Why not?”

I motioned to Scott. “I can’t bring my six month year old to a loud, erotic club with stumbling, loud drunk people.”

“Our.” He automatically corrected before sighing. “Whatever, we’ll talk about it later.”

“No, no we won’t talk about it later. It’s a no.” I said stubbornly.

Jordan opened his mouth to argue. Max looked at his watch and stepped in between us. “Hey look Jordan, it’s the magic time. I guess we better go back to our rooms and get our pre-game naps.”

“Yeah, I guess we should.” Jordan muttered.

Max winked at him. “And I do mean actual sleep.”

Olivia purred and stroked-yes stroked- Jordan’s chest. “We’ll see about that.”

I plopped onto the top of the bed. “Every one out, Scott needs to sleep.” I ordered glancing at Scott who was stretched on his back and yawning. If anything normal had to come out of this ordeal, it was Scott’s sleeping schedule. Every one left and I finally had some relaxing alone time with Scott. I turned off the lights and put the television on mute before stretching out on the bed, putting my hands behind my head. It seemed like I only had five minutes of peace before there was a knock on the door. I groaned, but got up and answered it. Vero was standing at the door playing with the bottom of my shirt. “Oh, hey.” She said looking up.

I shut the door behind me and stepped into the hallway, not wanting to disturb Scott. “Hey, Marc-Andre said you were coming too. I’m happy I’m not the only girl.” I told her, making an effort to be friendly.

She smiled. “Yeah, I normally don’t come to road trips because even though the guys are better than most NHL teams, it gets a little overwhelming sometimes. Would you and Scott like to go shopping with me?” Vero asked.

“Scott just layed down for his nap, would you mind coming back in like an hour and a half?” I asked, feeling bad for having to make special accommodations.

“No problem, Marc is sleeping right now, so I could probably check e-mail and get some work done without him bothering me.” Vero replied still keeping up the same smile.

“Thanks, I can’t wait.” I said smiling before closing the door and flipping back down on the bed and finally getting some quality time.

Vero knocked on the door again about two hours later. I opened it this time, leaving Scott on the bed since I was in the middle of changing him. Vero was dressed warmly, but fashionably, and had a large bag in her hand. She headed right over to Scott.

“Oh, Marie, he’s absolutely adorable. Those baby blue eyes are just about the cutest things I’ve seen in awhile.” She lied the bag on the bed next to him. “These are just going to look adorable on him.” She gushed.

I finished changing his diaper and threw the soiled one in the trash and started thinking about what I should dress Scott in. It was late November in New York, I had to dress him warmly. I looked over at everything Vero was lying out.

“What is this?” I asked.

“They are some gifts from Marc-Andre and I.” Vero explained. On the bed she was laying out several pairs of Penguins booties, rompers, sweatshirts, and t-shirts.

“You didn’t have too…but thank you so much.” I said awkwardly. I always felt bad when people bought me gifts and I didn’t have anything to give them back.

Vero waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I have one favor though, do you think I could help dress him?”

I laughed, “No problem.” Vero’s hand began going through his stuff, clothes quickly being sorted into piles.

“I want kids, I just want to settle down in general. I mean Marc-Andre and I love each other very, very much, but he’s not ready yet. He says when he’s done with all of this NHL madness and when he can be around more, he wants a team of children though. I try not to make him feel bad about this though, but I just want a child now.” Vero confessed.

I wasn’t sure what to say for a few seconds. “Well, I know it’s not the same thing, but whenever you want to watch Scott, be my guest.”

She smiled at me. “That would be great, thank you.”

We finally finished dressing Scott. He was all decked out in Penguins gear including a hat and a scarf. We strapped him in his stroller and even put a blanket on his lap to keep him warm. I guess you could say I was being paranoid.

Vero giggled, “I don’t think he’s going to be getting cold anytime soon.” I nodded my agreements and we shut the door and started heading down the hallway.

“Do you want to see if Jordan wants to come along? He gets restless and sometimes doesn’t always sleep.” Vero asked. I shrugged and we went up to his door. Even though the door was firmly shut, we could hear Olivia giggling and Jordan letting out loud groans.

Vero looked sideways at me. “I guess that’s a no.”

I shook my head. “I guess so.”

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chapter 13

Ugh, what a heart breaker :/ But oh my god, Jordan is freaking invincible. Please comment, I love seeing them :)

Chapter 13


I snapped my third goal of the game into the back of the net. Nothing could get better right now. We were winning 15-6 in the second half against the Ontario Province Championship Game. The other high school had just resorted to viscious checking, so they wouldn’t be embarrassed anymore than they already were. I briefly looked up at the stands again while lining up for the face off. The whole Staal family was here, minus Mr. Staal who is away to get a sale for some sod. Even Jordan was here, as embarrassing as that was. Jared caught my eye and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up before waving the sign he made for me. Every time I saw it I couldn’t help but laugh. The center from the other team took the ball and started going down the field. Sally intercepted the pass she made and quickly passed it up to me. I started charging towards goal, making sure to keep the cradle high and close to my head. The next thing I know, the opposing player checked me sending her stick and mine crashing into my head and I went crashing to the field. It was something that’s happened to me a million time, girl’s lacrosse wasn’t exactly a cup of tea. This time though, it was different. It was almost as if it were in slow motion as my foot landed on it’s side before I landed on top of it. A sharp, stabbing pain started from my foot and up my shin. It felt like thousands of needles were stabbing my shin. I rolled onto my back and curled my legs to my body, trying to stop the pain. My eyes started to water, but I forced them shut. No way I would start crying on the field. I started trying to crawl off the field, I hated ever having to ever been helped off. Our assistant coaches, Tyler and Jim, got to me too fast.

“Lay still and straighten your legs out.” Tyler ordered me. I straightened my legs, but pulled myself up to my elbows.
“Just get me off the field!” I begged. I hated being the pathetic little girl who couldn’t get up. Tyler and Jim both took one of my elbows and pulled me. I put my arms around each of their shoulders and we started to limp slowly towards the sideline. I made them stop when I realized my stick was still on the field. I spent my own $150 on that composite stick with the specially made head.

“Luce, my stick.” I shouted.

She shook her head. “You’re crazy.” She didn’t disagree though and handed Jim my lacrosse stick. We got onto the bench and then carefully set me down and propped my foot up. I was too busy paying attention to the game to see what they were doing to it. I felt some one poke it hard and I sucked in deep breath. The trainer frowned and started feeling it and trying to rotate my ankle around. I gripped onto the bench tightly and tried not to wince too much.

“Can you stop?” I hissed.

The trainer frowned. “I’m afraid I think it’s broken. You’ll have to have some one take you to the hospital.”

I groaned. “But a broken foot will make me miss my first two tournaments! And I’m not going to leave until the game is over.” I insisted. The trainer sighed, but didn’t argue with me. He started wrapping up my foot and ankle with several Ace bandages and gave me an ice pack and a few Advils for the pain. It was horrible, watching the team kick butt on the field and not being able to help. The game ended with the score of 18-7. Lucy and Abby came over and made me put my arms around them. I hobbled to center field with their help and stood patiently while they gave us our medals and trophy. I’ve been dreaming about this day my whole life, I never knew it was going to be so painful when it happened. Eventually it was over and I had to make another painful limp back to the sidelines. Mrs. Staal and Eric were standing on the sidelines talking to the trainer.

“I’m her guardian right now.” Mrs. Staal declared.

“Well, I’m pretty sure her foot is broken. She’s going to need to be taken to the hospital to get an x-ray.” The trainer responded.

Mrs. Staal frowned sympathetically at me. “It’s going to be alright Marie honey, we’ll take care of you.” Before I knew what was happening, Eric scooped me up in his arms and was carrying me bridal style.
I turned beat red. “No,no,no. Put me down! I can walk!” I begged.
He laughed. “No you can’t, crimple. Now let’s go to the car.” Eric said. He was still keeping up a fast pace with Mrs. Staal walking besides us. I saw the two blondes and one red head in the car and I remembered who would be in there.
“Hey Mrs. Staal, thank you a lot. But really, I can just take the bus home and call my dad and take him. It’s no big trouble at all. I don’t want to cause you any trouble.” I rambled. Eric smirked at me because he knew exact reason why I didn’t want to get in that car.

“No, of course not. Your father won’t take care of it.” Mrs. Staal said firmly and we reached the car. Thankfully, Jordan was sitting in the shot gun and Marc was sitting in the third row. Eric finally let me down before crawling in the third row also. I got into the backseat and was forced to sit sideways and put my feet on Jared’s lap.
“Marie Antoinette! You okay?” Jared asked.
I waved my hand. “I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt that bad.” Mrs. Staal started driving and Jordan still was staring straight ahead.
“Oh, really?” Jared smirked before banging my bad foot against the window. I hissed and waited until the throbbing stopped.
“Jared!” Mrs. Staal exclaimed. I quickly used my good right foot to kick Jared in the head, causing his head to bang into the window hard.
“Ow! You little mother fucker!” He exclaimed rubbing the back of his head.
“Nice!” Marc yelled before reaching over the back of the seat and clapped me on the shoulder.
“Aw Marie, you know you love me though.” Jared pounted.
I shrugged. “You keep up at this pace and you won’t have a prom date.” I threatened.
Jared scoffed. “Like I don’t have a line of girls waiting to go out with me.”
“You’re lucky I felt bad for you and said yes.” I teased him. We got to the hospital and Mrs. Staal dropped Jared and me at the front entrance. After several hours of waiting and x-rays, they finally but the damn cast on me and gave me crutches. I was out in the hallway with them when I literally ran into Jordan. My heart raced and my pulse quickened when I felt the hard, tone muscles of his abs and his biceps bulging. I inhaled the familiar, delicious sent of him before I snapped back into reality.
“Marie.” He barely acknowledged me, not even looking at me.
“Go to hell.” I snapped.

End of Flashback

I woke up with a pounding headache and my throat dry with a stale taste. I groaned and tried to sit up, but the spinning of my head was too much. I looked down and realized that I was just in a camisole and a pair of underwear. I pulled the covers up over me when I realized I wasn’t alone in the bed. Jordan had rolled over and was now staring at me from his side. What the hell happened last night?

“What’s going on?” I moaned, trying to distract myself about the fact that he was shirtless and his muscles were bulging.

“You kept throwing up last night and crying. I kinda got tired from getting up from my bed to coming here, so I just stayed.”

“You didn’t have too.” I blushed.

“I couldn’t let you die, Scott would have been screwed.” I explained.

“Well uh, what happened to my clothes?” I asked, this morning just getting more embarrassing.

Jordan let out a shit-eating grin. “You just started stripping down. I could barely convince you to keep what you have on on.” He reached over to the bedside table and gave me some Advil and a glass of water.

“I was very out of it. Thanks.” I tried to explain before taking the Advil. Jordan got up to take a shower, but I lied in bed until the throbbing head ache went away. After taking a shower myself, I was actually feeling alright. Advil works miracles. Plus, I was never one to get horrible hangovers. I met Jordan in the kitchen and got a bagel out.

“Let’s go shopping for Scott’s nursery.” I suggested.

“We have to leave for New York tomorrow.” He argued.

“We could finish it today if we worked hard.” I replied.

“Alright,” he said grabbing his keys, “where to?”


The first stop we made was to Lows. We needed to pick out a paint color for Scott’s nursery. With Jordan having the attention span of a four year old, he got bored and wondered off. I had narrowed it down to a baby blue and a yellow. Jordan came over and snatched the yellow sample out of my hand and put it back. “Hey! I liked that one!” I snapped.

He shook his head immediately. “No, yellow is too much of a feminine color.” Jordan stated.

“It’s a nice gender-neutral color.” I argued.

“We know he’s a boy, obviously.” Jordan retorted. I had already chose blue before he came over, but he didn’t need to know that I was arguing with him because it’s fun to get him annoyed.

“Fine, we’ll do the blue because it’s my favorite.” I stressed. Jordan rolled his eyes, but walked to the paint mixing station. He came back a few minutes later with two cans of paint.

“Now that we have the oh-so-important color we can pick out the furniture.” Jordan mocked me. We drove to the Babies R Us, hoping that no one would be there that early.

Jordan’s POV

I tugged my favorite yellow hat over my eyes more. It was actually the hat that Marie won in a crainshaw machine and then she gave it to me back when we were dating. We headed towards the cribs because Marie insisted that they were the most important. We were both drawn to a classic black one.

“It looks nice I guess.” I commented. I had no fucking idea what I’m doing. The sales manager who I am and what I’m buying and his eyes bulged.

“Is it a safe build though? Is it reliable?” Marie mused.

The sales manager came over. “This is of course the safest build! Miss…?” He asked.

“Miss Haefner.” Marie replied coolly. He reached into his pocket and handed us a scanner. “Scan whatever you want and it’ll come up.”

He paused for a second before hesitantly putting his hand on Marie’s stomach. “Do you know what your expecting?” He asked, all smiles. I snickered, Marie looked like she was about to bite his arm off.

“Yeah. An alien.” She said nonchalantly. The sales manager frowned and removed his hand. “Well if you need help with anything else, let me know.” He said before quickly leaving.

“Marie, you must be nice.” I said laughing.

“You have some one fucking touch your stomach and see if you’re in a great mood.” She snapped irritably.

I shook my head before scanning the crib. I tried doing the same thing with my arm.

“What the hell are you doing?” Marie asked.

“Seeing how much I’m worth.”

She snorted, “Probably nothing.”

I shook my head. “I must disagree. I believe that I’m worth more than this whole store combined.”

“Yeah, maybe your ego is.” Marie retorted. I ignored her comment and we worked together to find the rest of furniture. Overall, we ended up getting the crib, a changing table, and a rocking table. Then Marie got a bunch of baby shit that I had no idea was necessary. Why does it matter what brand of wipes you use to wipe his butt? It was all going to end up the same: with shit on it. She sent me off to do what I did best, pick out toys. I headed straight to the stuffed animals knowing that one good stuffed animal is the key to any good childhood. I picked up a couple penguins and dogs, rubbing them against my face to make sure they were all soft enough. I move onto blankets and one of the things that you hang the baby up in the doorway. They all had such confusing names. I moved to the baby books and what the hell, I picked some up. My baby had to be smart or the guys would never let me live it down. Marie walked over to me, finished with her part of shopping. She raised her eyes at me, but knew me too well to say anything. We checked out and I helped the employee’s drag all of the stuff to the car. Finally, we were able to get into the car and drive away. The load on my shoulders instantly lightened, I hate shopping in public. Marie looked back at all the stuff in the trunk and spilling out into the back seat.

“I think we went a little overboard.” She said giggling.

“Ya think? No, nothing is too good for my boy.” I said proudly.

When we got back to my apartment, we immediately got to work. We painted all afternoon and into the evening. Correction: Marie painted while I sat trying to figure out the damn instructions to put everything together.

“Are you sure you put the crib together the right way?” Marie asked for the millionth time.

“Yes. I’m sure.” I snapped. Marie mimicked my face before going back to painting. Finally, she collapsed onto the floor and wiped her forehead with the back of the hand.

“Thank god, it’s done.” She said. I couldn’t help but laugh, paint was all over her hair and on her forehead.


“You just have paint on you everywhere.” I told her.
Marie rolled her eyes. “Don’t make fun of me after I did all the work and you got to sit and try and put things together.”

“I got a battle wound!” I explained holding up the finger I got stuck between two bars for proof.

“Aw, poor baby.” She mocked. The end result of the room was looking pretty nice though.

“I’m gonna hit the sack. Remember, we’re leaving for the airport tomorrow at ten.” I reminded her.

Marie groaned. “Ugh, another early morning.”

“Shouldn’t you be used to early mornings?” I asked.

“I am, but that doesn’t mean I like them.” She said shrugging. I nodded my head to bed, my head buzzing with the though of how Olivia was going to handle living with Marie and Scott.